Criteria for assessing violation cases of corporate ethics

  1. Provision 1.3. Corporate culture is a system of principles, values, beliefs, norms of behavior and relationships maintained by the university community. 
  2. Provision 2.2. Each member of the university community has the right to freely choose his or her public and scientific position, which is proclaimed openly when discussing decisions and internal documents. In case of their disagreement with the University Development Strategy, its mission and goals, a person has the right to defend his/her chosen position only on his own behalf. A person who is endowed with administrative and managerial functions should avoid public statements that adversely affect the image of the University. 
  3. Provision 2.4. If the disseminated information is false, misrepresented, defamatory, or could cause serious harm to the University, the person involved must do everything in its power to counteract the misrepresentation, reduce the amount of harm caused. 
  4. Provision 2.6. Worthy for representatives of the university community are: 2.6.4. Culture of electronic communication. Required attributes of e-mail etiquette are greeting, address to the addressee, filling of the subject field, “body” of the letter with the contents of the address, signature of the addressee. The rules of corporate communication at the University are enshrined in the local document “Etiquette of Electronic Communication at DonNU”. 
  5. Provision 2.6. Worthy for the university community are: 2.6.5. Compliance with high standards of business ethics in negotiations, including those conducted via telephone. Negotiations should be conducted in a calm, polite, friendly manner, which contributes to building a positive reputation for the University as a whole. 
  6. Provision 2.7. Unworthy for all members of the university community is: 2.7.5. Doing political, religious and other propaganda activities at the University. 
  7. Provision 2.7. Unworthy for all members of the university community is: 2.7.6. Use of mobile phones during training sessions, meetings or formal events. 
  8. Provision 3.2. In order to prevent conflicts of interest related to the non-academic nature of relationship, teachers should avoid ambiguous relationships with students. In particular: discussion of professional and personal qualities of employees and participants of the educational process; intending to have an intimate relationship. 
  9. Provision 3.4. Teachers have no right to humiliate the dignity of students in any possible mannerHowever, they have the right to reprimand students for their wrong appearance and behavior. 
  10. Provision 3.5. Teachers should respect and address students in a polite manner. 
  11. Provision 4.2. Violations of the principle of integrity are: 4.2.5. Tactless, tendentious criticism or deliberate humiliation of colleagues’ work status due to personal antipathy, competition, for political or other reasons not related to the quality of the research being evaluated. 
  12. Provision 5.6. Students should know their teachers by name and address them politely. 
  13. Provision 5.8. Students have no right to be rude to teachers and behave familiarly. 

Principles of communication ethics based on the Code of Academic Integrity and Corporate Ethics of Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University: 


mutual respect; 



Each member of the university community: 

  • has the right to freely choose his or her civil and scientific position; 
  • has the right to defend the chosen position only on his/her own behalf; 
  • avoid public statements that negatively affect the image of the University; 
  • respect the corporate symbols of the university; 
  • observe the Rules of internal labor regulations; 
  • observe the cultural rules of dress code; 
  • comply with the rules of electronic communication; 
  • adhere to standards of business ethics. 

It is not acceptable for all members of the university community: 

  • intentional interference with the activities of other members of the university community; 
  • engaging in activities related to fraud and dishonesty, forgery of official documents; 
  • excess of authority; 
  • conducting propaganda; 
  • consumption of drugs and alcoholic beverages, smoking at the University; 
  • bringing things to the University that can damage health and life of other people; 

Ethical standards: 

  • Teachers have no right to humiliate the dignity of students in any possible mannerHowever, they have the right to reprimand students for their wrong appearance and behavior. 
  • Students should know their teachers by name and address them politely. 
  • Students have no right to be rude to teachers and behave familiarly. 
  1. Violation of legislation and normative documents of Ukraine:
    • exceeding the authorities stipulated in job descriptions and contracts; 
    • conducting political, religious and other types propaganda; 
    • consumption or distribution of alcohol, drugs and psychotropic substances at the University; 
    • violations of the Internal Labor Rules. 
  2. Violations of the following human ethical standards and social values: 
    • humanism and tolerance in the educational process; 
    • collective understanding, harmony, mutual respect, courtesy; 
    • fairness and honesty; 
    • social responsibility to society; 
    • gender, racial, religious, ethnic, national background. 
  3. Violations of corporate ethics and regulations of the University: 
    • corporate culture of communication (telephone and electronic correspondence) and document management (paper and electronic); 
    • image of a business person and a member of the university corporate community; 
    • rules of the information status of the University and its activities in public space; 
    • rules of use of the University’s symbols, careless attitude towards the University’s branding, structure and elements of the brandbook; 
    • normalized personal, interpersonal, intergroup communication; 
    • moral behavior and dignity of the educational process participants; 
    • ethical requirements for the relations between supervisor and subordinate; 
    • business ethics and etiquette, as well as business communication.