Access to Public Information

Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University provides public information in accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On Access to Public Information”, the Decree of the President of Ukraine №547 “On Assurance of Access to Public Information by Executive Authorities” dated May 5, 2017, the letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and the Ministry of Youth and Sports №1/939 “On the Need for Coverage of Public Information on Websites of HEIs” dated January 19, 2012.

-to apply to Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University for information, the requirements for the registration of which are defined by the Law of Ukraine «On access to public information».

-to apply to Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University for information, regardless of whether this information is personal or not, without explaining why the request was submitted. The request for information may be individual or collective.

-to apply for information in oral, written or other form (by mail, fax, telephone, e-mail) on the choice of the applicant, and to apply to Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University for information during individual appointments at the university.

Written Request

There is no prescribed format for the request, but it must contain:

1) Applicant’s name, postal address or e-mail address, as well as the number of the means of communication, if any; 2) General description of the information or type, name, details or contents of the document for which the request is made, if it is known to the applicant; 3) Signature and date.

To simplify the procedure for processing written requests for information, applicants are permitted to submit a request by filling in the appropriate forms:

A written request form for information for individuals; A written request form for information for legal entities; A written request form for information for the association of citizens; An electronic request form for public information.

If the request for information has arrived in the Division of General Affairs of Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University in no particular format, the postal envelope should be marked – “Request for public information”.

A response to the request for public information shall be submitted no later than five working days from the date of receipt of the request.

Public information is provided free of charge upon request. However, if the satisfaction of the information request involves production of copies of documents more than ten pages, the requestor is required to reimburse the actual costs of copying and printing (see the actual costs of copying and printing documents).