Educational and practical center for innovation and strategic development

The Center for Innovation and Strategic Development (CISD) is a structural unit of the Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University, which develops and implements innovative forms of the educational process; strategic planning of the university’s development, coordination of its structural units in the context of adherence to Strategy-2025 and implementation of tactical steps.

Department of Interdisciplinary Training

The department introduces new educational technologies in the educational process, based on strategic priorities of higher education development in Ukraine; organization and coordination of innovative forms of project-oriented learning, its educational and methodological support (development of educational programs and curricula based on a competent approach).

Rating and Competence Management Sector

Manages internal university rating (personal, departmental, faculty); preparation of analytical materials on competencies and motivation of employees, interaction organization of structural units in DonNU named after Vasyl Stus; introduces innovative forms of personnel management.

Training laboratory for monitoring and quality management systems of education

Coordinates the development and implementation of measures to create an internal quality assurance system for the university; organizes and conducts surveys of higher education applicants and forms recommendations on how to improve the educational process; conducts assessment of educational and scientific pedagogical activity of structural units.

Strategic Development and Innovation Sector in Education

Ensures coordination of work in Vasyl’ Stus DonNU structural units in the context of planning and adherence to Strategy-2025; is engaged in the development of tools for the introduction of new educational technologies in the educational process, projects to improve forms of project-oriented learning.

Priority directions of «ОПЦІСР» activity are identification, formation and activation of innovative activity, coordination of projects and grants, search and involvement of financial extrabudgetary development of Vasyl Stus DonNU, organization of work on applied products commercialization of educational and scientific activity, realization of author’s practical programs in regard to business support structures, integration forms of cooperation with the local community and the academic environment of Ukraine.

The future is here… Take courage to adopt innovation!